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  • Side effects of burdock root. Side effects of burdock root: some claims. Increased risk of dehydration

Side effects of burdock root. Side effects of burdock root: some claims. Increased risk of dehydration

Preparations based on burdock are widely used in folk medicine and are considered completely safe when taken in recommended doses and for a short period of time. However, when self-cooking decoctions, tinctures and other medicines from burdock, as well as its external use, allergic reactions are often observed.

Additionally, burdock may interact with anti-inflammatory drugs, medications that affect hormone levels, anticoagulants, antiplatelet medications, and excessive pain relievers. People with a sensitivity or allergy to pectin should be aware that burdock contains the substance.

Uses of burdock root

After taking the burdock, some of them wiped away their dry mouth and slow heartbeat. However, these effects may not be from burdock, but from belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, which has a long history as a poison. Burdock and belladonna roots look similar, and the plants grow in similar conditions.

Medicinal herbs are gifts of nature that we often neglect. Although the use medicinal herbs and drugs based on them have brought relief to many people, it should be noted that their health benefits are not unlimited, especially if only drugs are used for treatment traditional medicine. However, in combination with a properly selected diet and a healthy lifestyle , especially after complete detoxification of the body, natural medicines plant origin will have a much stronger effect

Reduces joint pain

Burdock root contains tannins, and tannins in high concentrations can damage the kidneys or liver. Consuming tannins in the long term can increase your chances of getting neck and head cancer, while in the short term tannins can cause stomach upset.

Natural health supplements sometimes have unexpected side effects or drug interactions that can lead to adverse reactions that are sometimes life-threatening. Members of this family include chrysanthemums, daisies, marigolds, ragweed and many others. If you have an allergy, be sure to contact your healthcare provider before taking burdock.

Traditional medicine and herbal medicine are based on the belief that the human body is capable of independently coping with any ailment, even incurable ones. Adherents of traditional medicine also believe that a person’s health is determined not only by his physical condition, but also by his mental state, and that all organ systems are interconnected, so the whole body needs to be treated, and not individual organs.

Warning 2 - Surgery: Burdock may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Doctors recommend that it not be used at least 2 weeks before your scheduled surgery. Burdock may slow down blood clotting. Taking burdock along with medications that also slow blood clotting may increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.

Some of the drugs that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, dalteparin, enoxaparin, heparin, warfarin and others. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of burdock during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Stay safe and avoid use.

Burdock roots: side effects and contraindications

Burdock root increases diuresis, has a choleretic and diuretic effect, stimulates the formation of proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas and improves mineral metabolism. Therefore, burdock root extract is recommended for HIV-infected people.

Although there is evidence that people taking burdock root preparations experience dry mouth and slow heartbeat, these are not believed to be side effects of burdock root per se, but rather a consequence of the belladonna impurities that are sometimes present in it. Mixing of burdock and belladonna roots may occur during plant harvesting.

Tendency to bleeding and taking anticoagulants

Used as a natural remedy: Burdock is used internally for the following benefits and conditions. When applied to the skin, burdock may cause a rash. . Like any herb, a serious allergic reaction is possible. Get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction.

Although burdock root is sometimes used as food, the root, leaf, and seeds are used to make medicine. If you find this page useful, please share it with others. Are you looking for a natural treatment to get rid of acne? Treating acne at home involves using all natural medicinal herbs. A natural herbal remedy for acne is usually preferable to take medications, because they have fewer side effects. Let's see how to use burdock herb to clear up your acne naturally.

Theoretically, the tannins (tannins) found in burdock root may be toxic, although animal studies have not confirmed this assumption. Tannins can cause stomach upset, and in high concentrations can lead to kidney failure and liver disease.

One possible side effect of burdock root is its effect on blood sugar levels. Studies involving animals and humans have shown that consuming burdock preparations can lead to an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. For patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, as well as anyone taking other herbal preparations or nutritional supplements which affect blood sugar levels, caution is advised when using burdock. However, you should check your blood sugar levels regularly and adjust your treatment accordingly.

Burdock is a weed with dock-shaped leaves and fruiting heads covered with hooked spines, widespread throughout Europe, northern Asia and North America. Burdock is a member of the aster family, such as chicory, dandelions and echinacea. This healing herb found along roadsides, barnyards, fences, walls and river meadows.

The entire plant has both food and medicinal uses. Traditionally, burdock was used as an herbal remedy to treat arthritis, swelling, gout, rheumatism, measles and sore throat. This plant has also been used to treat skin conditions such as acne rosacea, acne, and psoriasis.

Theoretically, another possible side effect of burdock root is that it may cause electrolyte imbalances (such as changes in potassium or sodium levels in the blood), which is attributed to its diuretic (diuretic) effects.

There is also information about a number of cases of poisoning with burdock root tea, as well as inflammatory eye damage (ophthalmia) and stomatitis after contact with burdock or its preparations.

The active compounds of burdock are antibacterial polyacetylenes, argigen, essential oil, flavonoid-type antioxidants, inulin, mucilage, polylines, resin, sesquiterpene lactones, sulfur derivatives and taraxosterol. Burdock root also contains minerals such as calcium, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, potassium, silicon, zinc and vitamins.

Experts have identified chemical compounds that have been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Animal studies have also suggested anti-inflammatory and estrogenic properties. The herbal remedy burdock root actually works on the skin on two levels.

When used internally, burdock root prevents the absorption of iron in the body. Due to its diuretic effect, burdock should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is also known that burdock interacts with hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as lithium therapy.

Animal studies show that the substances in burdock stimulate the uterus, so it is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Acne is a sign that toxins are inside your body. The root medicine from burdock roots has the property of cleansing the body of toxins, strengthening the excretory system and, as a result, improving appearance skin. Burdock improves immunity. This antifungal agent is used both internally and externally. Used externally, burdock is used for skin peeling, treating chronic infections and skin ulcers. It is often recommended for dry and scaly skin.

When taken orally it is natural home remedy helps cleanse skin diseases of all types due to chronic toxicity. The detoxifying effect as a blood purifier can relieve acne and blemishes on the face and neck. The root is mainly used, but the leaves and seeds are equally valuable.

Allergies to burdock and its preparations can occur in people who are allergic to plants of the asteraceae family, for example: ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds and daisies. Moreover, burdock can cause severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). A patch with burdock often causes allergic reactions on the skin.

Burdock contains pectin, so people suffering from individual intolerance or allergy to pectin should be careful when using burdock preparations.

Taking antidiabetic drugs

Available forms: dried root powder, fresh root, decoction, tincture, liquid extract and capsule. Tincture: Use a total of one teaspoon of tincture diluted in 8 ounces of water 3 times daily. Tea: steep teaspoon of burdock in one cup of boiling water.

Side effects burdock, contraindications and warnings. Allergy to burdock has been reported. Allergy to inulin was confirmed by laboratory tests. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take burdock because it may stimulate your uterus to abort the fetus. If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before taking burdock because it may change your blood sugar levels.

Almost all modern dietary supplements consist of plant components. Quite often, burdock juice is added to nutritional supplements. And it’s not surprising, because this plant has many beneficial properties that are indispensable for people who want to be healthy and active.

Burdock is not quite a simple herb, as many people think. This biennial herbaceous plant has long been used in culinary and medicinal purposes. The fact is that burdock leaves are a valuable source useful vitamins and others natural substances, which are vital for the normal functioning of internal organs.

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This program contains all the information you will ever need to eliminate your acne forever without creams and without the use of drugs and without any side effects. The video presentation above shows you some unique and rare tips on how to eliminate acne and achieve perfect clear skin in just 7 days!

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The leaves of this herbaceous plant contain vitamins such as B, C, E, K and even PP. It also contains an impressive amount useful microelements, taking part in the metabolism occurring in the human body. These include phosphorus, iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese and zinc. For athletes, these elements can be especially important, as they help maintain the normal functioning of all body parts and organs.

These are structured reviews that have prepared data on the basics and application of complementary medical procedures in the form of short monographs. This is the currently valid version of the document. It is mainly advertised online as an alternative cancer treatment. To date, no clinical study has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness. Additionally, patients are advised not to undergo any other cancer treatments, including chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Essiac tea has been used for over 70 years as a remedy for the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and, apparently, for cancer itself.

  • Burdock root, rhubarb, sorrel, red ligature.
  • Watercress, Benedict grass, red clover and seaweed.
The tea is usually taken 1-3 times before meals to minimize possible side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Today, most products are in the form of tea, but there are also other products in the form of drops, capsules, liquid and dry versions.

Burdock roots contain simple carbohydrates, inulin and fiber. All of them are actively absorbed in human body, helping improve metabolism. From this list useful substances Inulin receives special attention. It has the property of improving intestinal microflora, so it can be used as a fighter against harmful microorganisms. But it is important to remember that burdock root only has a probiotic effect if it has been recently harvested.

Patients should boil the mixture and then drink it as a tea. The trial was stopped by the Canadian Department of Health and Welfare on the grounds that resperin resulted in a poorly designed and conducted investigation. He also found that in an unpublished double-blind study conducted by his institute, positive results were noted including analgesia, increased appetite, improved sleep, improved well-being and energy, decreased depression, anxiety and restlessness, and decreased nodular mass.

If athletes eat old burdock roots, they will not be able to improve intestinal microflora, but they will have the opportunity to fill the body with vitamins such as A, C and E. Additionally, the body will receive iron, zinc, which is involved in the formation of new blood cells, and tannins.

The antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects of burdock juice are known. It is actively used by manufacturers of sports supplements, since all athletes need to maintain their health at the highest level. The body can benefit from both consuming the leaves and consuming the juice included in the supplements.

Cleanses the body of heavy metals and other toxins

Explanations presented for the mechanism of therapy are not supported by good evidence and are not considered to be a possible and sufficient explanation based on current scientific standards. Therefore, it is usually sold as a dietary supplement. A higher price does not necessarily indicate a higher quality product. There are no controlled studies available.

Contraindications and side effects

The Canadian study collected case reports voluntarily submitted by physicians. Forty-seven patients experienced "no benefit," eight of the reports could not be assessed, 17 patients died, one patient experienced "subjective improvement," five less analgesics required, four had an "objective response," and four were in "stable condition."

Supplementation with burdock juice or leaves is prescribed as a probiotic for gut healing after frequent use of synthetic sports supplements. After their consumption, toxins begin to accumulate in the human body, contributing to the development of dangerous microflora. Burdock juice helps kill it, simultaneously restoring the population of dead beneficial microorganisms.

All patients also received conventional treatment, which may have explained the improvement. Some unpublished preliminary reports suggested some evidence of biological activity. The herbal elixirs were tested against various cancer cells isolated from human breast tumors. Studies have not shown a pronounced antiproliferative effect.

Burdock root. Oral consumption of burdock root may lead to allergic reactions. In rare cases, anaphylaxis has occurred. Ingestion of medicinal rhubarb may cause spasmodic gastrointestinal distress, watery diarrhea, and uterine contractions; Anaphylaxis has also been reported with short-term use.

Preparations containing parts of this herbaceous plant can be useful in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies E, A and C. A lack of these vitamins may mean quick loss immunity, chronic fatigue and muscle weakness. All this will not allow athletes to train normally, so they will be forced to leave the gym.

Sorrel. When administered orally, excessive amounts of sorrel can cause diarrhea, nausea, polyuria, dermatitis, and gastrointestinal symptoms. When taken orally, the entire bark is abortifacin. When used topically, red elm bark extracts can cause contact dermatitis, and pollen is an allergen. When taken orally, a large number of Watercress may cause gastrointestinal irritation.

Burdock roots: side effects and contraindications

Theoretically, excessive or prolonged use may cause kidney damage. Blessed thistle. Ingestion may cause severe reactions, myalgia, headache, nausea and vaginal spotting. Iodine contained in algae can lead to peculiarities of the reaction.

Burdock juice can also be used as a sedative to relieve athletes from muscular and psychological stress. It soothes muscle pain and reduces muscle fatigue, so muscle recovery begins to occur faster than usual.

Uses of burdock root

To reduce muscle pain, use 1 teaspoon of juice mixed with half a teaspoon vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into a particularly painful muscle and joint. If the supplement is used as a probiotic, then 1 teaspoon of juice is dissolved in a glass of water. It is recommended to take one glass of water three times a day before meals. In this case, the average course of taking the supplement should not be less than a month.

What drugs contain

Burdock juice and its roots are extracted from the herbaceous plant of the same name. It grows everywhere, so there are no problems associated with its presence in nature. However, it is much more convenient for athletes to use ready-made preparations containing burdock juice. These include burdock root extract from Biolit, burdock root from Naturalis, or herbal tea Burdock. All of these drugs have equally good effects on health.


Root medicinal burdock Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as it can harm the health of the newborn and fetus. Also, it should not be taken during periods of exacerbation of gastric diseases, or if you are allergic to this plant.

Inulin, which is part of burdock juice, helps speed up metabolism. This contributes accelerated elimination removes all waste and toxins from the athlete's body, so he begins to feel healthier. The use of dietary supplements with burdock helps improve immunity and helps restore damaged intestinal microflora.

Unfortunately, burdock can be dangerous to human health. If an athlete collects this plant himself, then under no circumstances should it be picked within the city limits or near highways. Constant exposure to exhaust fumes makes this plant toxic to humans, so the plants should be collected in a clean rural area.

On this possible harm Eating burdock doesn't stop you. It is considered a fairly strong allergen, so constant use of dietary supplements with burdock juice can cause allergic reaction in the form of a constant runny nose and redness of the mucous membranes.

Some researchers argue that burdock has strong stimulant properties, so it should not be consumed with caffeine and synthetic sports supplements. However, most athletes are sure that burdock cannot be stronger than caffeine, so they continue to combine these two products.

An overdose of burdock juice may cause unpleasant side effects. digestive system. They consist in disruption of the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea or constipation, pain and flatulence.

And the video details the benefits of burdock root and its healing properties:


Burdock juice is one of the most common ingredients found in dietary supplements. It acts as a probiotic that helps restore dead intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. These properties are actively used in dietetics, since together with physical exercise they allow you to achieve excellent results in losing weight.

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