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  • Use of burdock leaves in alcohol. How to take burdock root tincture with vodka. Burdock tincture with vodka - another recipe

Use of burdock leaves in alcohol. How to take burdock root tincture with vodka. Burdock tincture with vodka - another recipe

Burdock can be seen everywhere. Gardeners mercilessly weed it out like a weed. But traditional medicine knows that this plant is very useful. It can heal a large number of serious illnesses, including benign and malignant tumors. Most often, burdock root is used in the form of an alcohol infusion. APPLICATION OF TINCTURE Return to contents Tincture of burdock roots can be prepared in several ways. It is best to take the roots of a one-year-old plant. Classic recipe: Dig up the roots, wash and chop very finely. Squeeze out the juice. For 5 parts juice, take 1 part alcohol-containing substance. Shake for 3 minutes. Store in a cool place for 14 days. BURDON ROOTS + HONEY

Tinctures are widely used because they are concentrated, portable, easy to use, and have a very long term storage They're also easy to make at home! However, for those more accustomed to taking supplements in tablet or capsule form, there may be a bit of a learning curve.

Tinctures are usually given in dark glass dropper bottles. Dark glass helps protect the liquid from light, which can cause component degradation. This is a convenient way to take tinctures as well as a dropper. The first step to tincture is to shake the bottle. This is important so that all components are distributed evenly. Usually sediment forms at the bottom of the tincture. Although the sediment can always be poured out, sometimes it is an important part of medicine. Medicinal deposits should not be sandy, but should mix well with the tincture.

To prepare a tincture according to this recipe, mix 17 g of crushed root and 12 ml of liquid honey. Dilute the resulting mixture with 175 ml of alcohol. Place the tincture in the refrigerator. Reception can be started after 14 days. Complex tincture: burdock root– 12 g; licorice root – 6 g; string grass – 7 g; strawberry leaves - 9 g. Chop all ingredients well and pour 480 ml of vodka. The medicine will be ready in a week and a half. Improves the body's protective functions, metabolism and digestion. Use 21 drops twice a day. In what cases can this tincture help: when various diseases and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract; prophylactic against peptic ulcer; disturbances of intestinal motility; tumors; joint problems; various women's diseases; The tincture is widely used in cosmetology. Burdock tincture cleanses the blood well. Therefore, it is useful to use it for various skin diseases and liver problems. Important! Alcohol tincture of burdock is a good antidote for snake bites. APPLICATION FOR HAIR Return to contents The indispensability of burdock for healthy hair was known to women several centuries ago. Inulin, which is high in the plant, gives hair smoothness and shine. A rare combination of essential oils helps eliminate seborrhea and accelerate hair growth.

Even if there is no visible sediment, it only takes a short period of time to shake the bottle and ensure a constant dosage.

A common dosage unit for a tincture is a "dropper". This unit of measurement is one of the most common causes of confusion for practitioners and clients alike. Firstly, what is an IV? This term can be misleading because the glass pipette - or "dropper" - is not actually filled. When an herbalist says "dropper," he or she means the amount of liquid that is drawn into the dropper when you squeeze and release the rubber top once.

Special active substance stigmasterol and vitamins restore cells that are damaged or in a frozen state. What prevents hair loss. The healing properties of burdock are beneficial for hair health. Alcohol tincture of burdock with honey should be diluted with chamomile decoction or water (1 to 2) and applied to damp, clean roots. Wash off with regular shampoo after a quarter of an hour. Important! It is not advisable to use this tincture for oily hair. High content fatty acids in burdock will not benefit this type of hair. IN GYNECOLOGY Return to contents Burdock has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations based on it are very useful for various gynecological problems. DELAYED MENSTRUATION Burdock alcohol tincture helps restore hormone balance. If menstruation is absent in the background stressful situation, you should take 12 ml of medication three times a day.

Some people prefer to call this device a "squeeze" or a "syringe". Not every dropper will be the same - it will vary depending on how hard you squeeze the dropper, how full the bottle is, barometric pressure, what you had for lunch, etc. Most people aren't going to count 60 drops twice a day, but if you want to be sure you're getting the right dose, you can count the drops once to get an idea. If there are only 20 drops, you can use 3 droppers.

My suggestion is to follow the dosage instructions to the best of your ability and allow for some variation in the dynamic drip. Remember - a dropper is one squeeze and release of the top of the dropper and contains approximately 30 drops or 1 ml. A teaspoon contains about 5 ml.

The treatment process takes several months. DISEASES OF THE GINOROGENITAL ORGANS Alcohol tincture of burdock cleanses the kidneys and ureters well and is an excellent diuretic. To get rid of urate stones, you can make the following tincture. To the burdock root (7 g) add horsetail, woodruff and black elderberry inflorescences (3 g of each herb). Pour 170 ml of alcohol into the mixture. Infuse the mixture for 15 days. Take 7 ml twice a day. SVENEREAL DISEASES Any sexually transmitted disease cannot be treated only folk remedies. Burdock root tincture is used as an adjuvant that can quickly restore immunity. During treatment, inhalations should be done. To do this, dilute 25 ml of alcohol mixture in 900 ml of boiling water. Breathe for a quarter of an hour twice a day. At lunch, take 12 ml of tincture orally. WITH MASTOPATHY Benign tumors in the breast are quite common among middle-aged women. Mastopathy requires an integrated approach.

Step 3: Swallowing the Tincture

So now that we understand the dosage and we've shaken the bottle, how does she actually swallow the tincture? One method is to apply the liquid directly to the mouth. This is easy, especially when you're on the go, but may not be the most pleasant way to take a tincture. Most tinctures are between 50 and 98% alcohol, which doesn't always sit well on the tongue, especially if it's a bitter tasting herb. Sometimes bitter taste is an important part of medicine; tasting something bitter stimulates bile production and improves digestion.

Burdock alcohol tincture is used: 12 ml orally at lunch; externally in the form of a compress - for this cabbage leaf and whether a piece of natural fabric should be moistened in a diluted tincture (1 part medicine to 3 parts water), secure well, and leave overnight. IN ONCOLOGY Scientists have been able to prove that burdock root contains substances that can destroy cancer cells. To make an anti-cancer tincture, you should grind fresh burdock root and pour it with alcohol (ratio 1:20). Leave in a dark place for 30 days. Shake the medicine well every 4 days. Take 3 times a day, 5 ml. For prevention oncological diseases You should drink 15 ml of tincture once a day for 30 days. The course must be repeated twice a year. Important! During the season you should add burdock roots and leaves to various dishes. FOR UTERINE MYOMA Myoma and fibroids of the uterus respond well to treatment using burdock preparations in alcohol. To do this, the classic tincture should be taken 3 ml three times a day. FOR OVARIAN CYST This medicine is one of the best for treating various cysts and helps to avoid surgery. Since treatment of diseases takes several months, burdock tincture can only be consumed in diluted form. This will help prevent harm to the liver.

You can also take your tinctures in a little juice, which will mask the taste of the tincture better than water. So there you go, it's as easy as shake, squeeze and swallow! Anyway, what is a tincture? A tincture is an alcohol extraction from herbs - the alcohol extracts the healing components of the herb through a process of osmosis, resulting in a concentrated medicinal liquid. Sometimes vinegar or glycerin is used for extraction, which can be used in the same way as a tincture.

Tinctures are new to me and it's a little awkward, is it safe? Tinctures are generally safe—just make sure you get them from a person or company you trust. Here's some basic information: name of the herb, herb-to-liquid ratio, production date or expiration date, alcohol percentage, and any other ingredients. Tincture is a very common way to take herbs, and in itself is no more dangerous than any other way to take herbs as long as you follow the recommended dosage.

For 120 ml add 15 drops of classic or honey burdock tincture. Drink every 6 hours. After 30 days of use, you should undergo an ultrasound examination. If the size of the fibroids has decreased, you should still stop taking it for 14 days. After which treatment can be resumed. TINcture FOR ARTHRITIS Return to contents Burdock juice can affect joints directly and indirectly. It helps the body get rid of extra salts. Joint burdock tincture: Mix 35 g of burdock and elecampane roots. Add 470 ml of vodka. Place the medicine to ripen in a cool place for 12 days. You can use the mixture orally, 13 drops three times a day. Or externally, rubbing sore spots. Helps not only with joint problems. But it also relieves muscle spasms. FOR ARTHROSIS Return to contents Burdock removes uric acid, which is found in abundance in the body during arthrosis. It also relieves inflammation, relieves pain, and restores cartilage tissue. For a faster effect, you should complex treatment, taking the tincture both internally and externally. In addition to arthritis and arthrosis, burdock can treat rheumatism, gout and radiculitis. Effectively helps both joint and honey tincture. Important! Preparations based on burdock can provoke an attack of tachycardia. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution in the first half of the day. TINCTURE FOR PROSTATITIS Return to contents To treat prostatitis, the tincture should be used in diluted form. For 75 ml of water, 8 ml of mixture. This will help: relieve vascular spasms, improve metabolic processes in the prostate and the quality of seminal fluid; increase the elasticity and mobility of the vascular wall; destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the genital area; avoid scarring and sclerosis of the prostate.

That being said, anyone can have a sensitivity or adverse reaction to a substance, so you should always be aware when taking new herbs that you have not previously taken. You also want to know in advance that the herbs you are taking will not interfere with any medications you may be on. The amount of alcohol that is ingested when taking even a relatively large dose of tincture is quite small - the fraction of a standard drink. tinctures range from 30 to 90% alcohol and are dosed from 2 to 5 ml.

The standard "shot" of 80 sample liqueurs is 5 ounces or 45 ml. It might also be possible to reduce the dose in children based on body weight. However, if you want to avoid alcohol completely, there are many other ways to ingest herbs. A common tincture substitute is glycerite, which is similar to tincture but made with vegetable glycerin. Vegetable glycerin tastes sweet, so it's great for kids. Herbs can be taken in many ways: as tea, syrup, powder, in capsules and eaten fresh!

Enhance medicinal properties burdock can be horse sorrel, chicory, lovage, dandelion and licorice. The roots of these plants can be added to classic recipe drugs. FOR ADENOMA At the initial stage of the disease, it is necessary to use drugs that help slow down the growth of adenoma, relieve inflammation and regulate metabolic processes in the gonads. Therefore, in addition to taking a standard tincture with alcohol (12 ml three times a day), burdock root can be used in multicomponent preparations. Collection for the treatment of adenoma: burdock, bergenia, elecampane, eryngium root; anise fruits; verbena, knotweed, meadowsweet; strawberry and plantain leaves; viburnum inflorescences. All components should be taken equal mass fractions and scroll through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and dilute it with vodka (1:20). Take 7 ml twice a day. Important! Tincture burdock roots on alcohol helps fight extra pounds. It speeds up metabolic processes, reduces appetite, and removes excess fluid. Take 10 ml between meals. TINCTURE FOR GASTRITIS Return to contents For gastritis, the use of alcohol-containing drugs is not recommended. Therefore, an infusion or decoction should be made from burdock root.

Tinctures are, of course, not the only way to take herbs. Tinctures have a very long shelf life - years! Keep the tinctures at room temperature and in direct sunlight. Simple and effective way Preserving the medicinal quality of a wild medicinal plant is a tincture using the plant and food-safe alcohol. Tinctures are more powerful and last longer than dried herbs, and you can even make up your own combination formulas.

You will need three things to make your own tinctures - strong alcohol, dried plants and lots of soaking time. However, it can be difficult to find: in some areas it is not practical to buy or own. Select glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Cut, crush, slice or otherwise break up the dried plant material you want to use, then fit tightly into the jar. Pour enough alcohol onto the plant material to lightly cover it and place the lid on it.

For infusion, pour 7 g of finely chopped roots into 425 ml boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight. Warm slightly before use. Use 90 ml. Take 4 doses per day. Decoction: Pour 230 ml of boiling water over crushed roots (7 g). Leave on low heat for 7 minutes. Take 20 ml of the strained medicine several times a day. FOR A SPINAL HERNIA Return to contents Take the classic tincture 30 drops daily. Before going to bed, make compresses from joint tincture. The most effective medicine can be obtained by mixing equal parts of burdock, cinquefoil, comfrey and elecampane roots. Crush the resulting mixture. Take 45 g of mixture for 220 ml of alcohol. Leave for a week in a cold place. Before use, dilute with half and half water. Take 20 ml of diluted mixture 5 times a day. This mixture is good to add to medicinal baths (50 ml of tincture per 3 liters of water). Burdock – beautiful and powerful natural healer. But the use of drugs based on it should go in parallel with traditional treatment and under the supervision of a physician. Especially for severe and chronic diseases.

Let the jar sit in a cool, dark place for six weeks, but shake the jar every day. Avoid exposing your jar to sunlight as this can negatively affect the tincture process. Pour out the alcohol and this is your tincture. It is good for indigestion, colic and hangovers; aromatherapists use it to improve concentration and reduce depression.

Burdock Tincture: This tincture helps your liver and kidneys function better, and it can be of great help for gout and skin conditions and as a general tonic. Add 5 to 10 drops of water and drink once or twice a day. Blackberry tincture: dried roots Blackberries can be made into a tincture that helps gently dry up diarrhea. Start with 10 drops every few hours and continue until symptoms disappear.

Burdock is familiar to everyone not only as a weed from the Asteraceae family, but also as medicinal plant, the leaves, inflorescences, seeds and roots of which are used in various folk recipes. Burdock root is a miraculous raw material that forms the basis of natural medicines. Burdock root tincture is one of them. Due to the fact that burdock root contains resins, inulin polysaccharides, protein, mucus, mineral salts, essential oil, as well as a lot of vitamin C, a tincture of it has analgesic, antimicrobial, choleretic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, and also has disinfectant and antiseptic effects.

Tincture Uses strong alcohol. This prevents the plant material from rotting and removes the plant's beneficial medicinal compounds. Remove the plant material from the alcohol with a piece of gauze resting in the retina over a bowl. Discard the plant to get every drop of the tincture.

Pour your completed tincture into dark bottles, preferably with an "eye dropper" in the cap. Store your tincture in a cool, dark place for up to one year. Never use rubbing alcohol or anything with methanol as an ingredient.

Medicinal propertiesburdock root tinctures:

Using the tincture in moderation relieves allergic rashes and itching on the skin.

Burdock root tincture helps improve the leukocyte composition of the blood, normalize metabolism, and is also used as an antidiabetic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory medicine. Cosmetologists recommend using healing infusion to stimulate hair growth.

Ever made a tincture or used one medicinal product? Tinctures are typically made by steeping herbs in consumable alcohol, which extracts the herbs' active components into the liquid. This process creates a stronger drug than herbal teas or infusions, and the shelf life is much longer than other herbal preparations. Burdock root, in particular, is used in traditional herbalism to cleanse the blood and treat digestive disorders. The recommended dose of tincture is 2 to 4 ml per day.

This recipe makes approximately 1 pint of burdock root tincture, but you can double it to make a larger batch if needed. Place 2 oz. burdock root in a glass, pint-sized can. Fill the jar with vodka and secure the lid. Label the jar with the contents and the date so you remember when it's time to stretch the mixture. Use dried or fresh burdock root, depending on what is available.

The effective effect of the tincture is noted in the treatment of constipation, furunculosis and scrofula, eczema, hemorrhoids and rheumatism, dropsy, kidney stones, gout and rickets, poisoning with drugs containing mercury and snake bites.

Contraindications to the use of burdock root products include:

  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • peptic ulcers duodenum and stomach;
  • intolerance to the components of the product;
  • increased allergic background.

Recipe for burdock root tincture:

Shake the jar for one to two minutes and then place the jar in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. Let the herbs and alcohol sit for two weeks, shaking the jar every other day. Remove the lid from the jar after the burdock root has been soaked in alcohol for two weeks. Pass the tincture through a piece of muslin or cheesecloth into a clean glass jar.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Discard the spent roots in a compost pile or trash bin once you have soaked the tincture. Pour burdock root tincture into dark glass bottles through a small funnel to avoid spilling. Label the glass bottles with the contents and store the completed burdock root tincture in a cool, dark place until you are ready to use it. The tincture is best used within two years, although it will likely last even longer.

Preparing burdock root tincture is not at all difficult, and the product can be stored for quite a long time (in a dark and dry place at 20 degrees, no lower).

There are several options for preparing the tincture (cold and hot), which use oil, alcohol, vodka or water.

  • The most in a simple way is as follows: vodka and burdock root juice are mixed in equal parts, and then infused in the dark for 10 days. The infusion is used before eating food, 1 tbsp. l. It is recommended to mix the infusion with a small amount of honey, which allows you to enhance healing effect facilities. Honey is not used for hot infusion, since when heated it loses its beneficial properties.
  • For excruciating pain in muscles or joints, or for acne, mix 1 tbsp. l. honey and burdock roots (crushed), pour 70% alcohol (200 ml) and leave the mixture for 14 days. Take the strained tincture 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 30 drops.
  • Another recipe is very effective for rheumatism: burdock root (ground) and elecampane, 1 tbsp. l. mix with alcohol (200 ml) and leave for 12 days, shaking the bottle with the mixture from time to time. The tincture is used strained, 3 times a day, 18 drops each orally or as a rub.
  • A tincture from medicinal herbs with the addition of crushed burdock root. Licorice and burdock roots, strawberry leaves and oregano, string and white marigold (1 tbsp each), lemon balm leaves (chopped) - 1 tsp. mix and pour vodka (200 ml). Leave the mixture in a cool place for 10 days, stirring occasionally. Strain and use 3 times 18 drops each day.

Pavlovsky Vitaly

Use whatever type of vodka you have to make your burdock root tincture, 40 to 200 proof. If you don't have vodka, you can use it instead ethanol, rum or pure grain alcohol. To make a burdock root tincture without alcohol for administration to pregnant women or children, replace Apple vinegar apples or glycerin for alcohol. Pregnant women and children should not take burdock root tincture made with alcohol. Always consult your doctor before taking any new herb, regardless of your situation. Never use alcohol methyl alcohol or any other substance not safe for consumption to make your tinctures. “Dip your wings in honey, and your feathers in the trampled honey will bring honey to your wing and carry honey to your cape to be an ointment for the sick, to pour on the injuries.”

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